Elabora una noticia en la que expliques como si fueras un periodista uno de los terremotos que ha ocurrido en Ecuador o Japón este fin de semana pasado. Para valorar el resultado deberás tener en cuenta los siguientes puntos. Quién consiga los 5 puntos obtendrá un punto del examen:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Dices donde ha ocurrido, el lugar, las consecuencias, número de muertos o desa-parecidos, etc. | Hablas sobre sus causas: la estructura de la Tierra y como eso influye en el terremoto. | Hablas sobre sus causas: Pangea y las placas tectónicas, hipocentro y epicentro. | Eres un reportero que se ha desplazado a la zona y está describiendo lo que encuentra allí | Lo grabas en el móvil y se lo mandas al profesor. |
Aquí podéis encontrar algo de información sobre ellos:
1.-Un terremoto de magnitud 7,8 deja cientos de muertos en Ecuador. (El Mundo).
2.-Un terremoto de 7,8 deja cientos de muertos en la costa de Ecuador. (El Pais).
3.-Estudian una falla desconocida que provoca terremotos en Andalucía. (El Mundo)
E^ Hi, I am Manuel Espinar and next to me is my classmate Marcos Toro. We are in Japan because Marcos and me are going to tell on the latest tragedy here.
The earthquake has been on the pacific coast of the tohoku region . the earthquake has caused 15893 deaths and 2567 disappeared. The causes of an earthquake are due to clash of tectonic plates. This Japanese earthquake lasted 6 minutes.
T^ Well , as you know the structure of the Earth is crust, mantle and core. I am going to tell you a simple way that all members of the house will understand the cause of the earthquake and its implications for the structure of the earth . Earthquakes are caused by the collision of tectonic plates. These plates float in magma, so that movement which may result shocks or incisions which lead over a long period of time to produce pits or ridges, that these plates are like puzzle pieces in water , which may collide due to water movement and when they collide more serious disasters or milder Japan may happen to be among the tetocnic plates Philippines , the pacific, the Eurasian and Northamerican is a more suitable country to suffer geographical phenomena is not only earthquakes, also has some spectacular thermal baths where macaque relax, and even a Japanese volcano considered sacred and called Fuji
Now manuel explain another point of great importance.
E^ An earthquake causes deaths and damage the earth’s crust , but it also helps us to understand how Earth was in the past. This stage is called Pangea . Pangea was the period of the earth where the continents were joined and ended after millions of earthquakes giving rise to what is known as continental drift .all this took approximately 250 million years. Other reason why we know Pangea existed , is because there are that continents fit together and share same species (animals) in different parts of the world that there are not any where else .
T^ This eartgquake was a magnitude of 9C pn the richter scale. The epicenter was in the pacific ocean 130 KM from Sendai . also this earthquake caused extensive damage to several nuclear power plants (because they arose waves reached measuring 40.5 metres and these waves hit the plants) that will leave uninhabitable places around as it has come to harm stores highly radioactive waste , and that is another thing for which the death toll has risen exponentially
E^ From what we have seen my partner Marcos and me, the situation is creepy. Cries and desires praying for this nightmare to end. Wrenching images all the time. There are harmed people, a big desire for finding the lost ones and a big pain for the ones that didn’t we beg that everything pass as soon as possible.
T We give to the families our biggest condolences possible soon
E^ Well this is all now J.J Santos will come with the sports information.